How Much Pancake Mix to Get for a Crowd

Preparing pancakes for a crowd can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to figuring out how much pancake mix to use. Whether you’re hosting a brunch or feeding a group of hungry campers, it’s important to have the right amount of mix on hand to ensure everyone gets their fill.

Costco Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancake
Box of Costco Krusteaz Buttermilk Pancake Mix on a table

It is recommended to plan for about 3-4 four-inch pancakes per person. This allows for a decent serving size without over-estimating and having leftovers. However, it is important to take into consideration factors such as appetite, additional food being served, and whether it is a breakfast, lunch, or dinner event. If in doubt, it’s better to have a little extra mix on hand rather than running out.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the factors to consider when planning for a crowd, how to measure the right amount of pancake mix, and tips for making pancakes for a crowd to ensure a delicious and stress-free experience for all. Whether you’re a seasoned pancake pro or new to the game, this guide will help you make pancakes for a crowd with ease.

Factors to Consider When Planning for a Crowd

When determining how much pancake mix to use, it’s important to consider the number of people you’ll be serving. A good rule of thumb is to plan for about 3-4 four-inch pancakes per person. This allows for a decent serving size without over-estimating and having leftovers. However, it is important to take into consideration factors such as appetite, additional food being served, and whether it is a breakfast, lunch, or dinner event. If in doubt, it’s better to have a little extra mix on hand rather than running out.

Another factor to consider is the serving size of the pancakes. Four-inch pancakes are a standard size and are easy to serve, but you can also make smaller or larger pancakes depending on the occasion. If you are serving a group of children, for example, you may want to make smaller pancakes to accommodate their smaller appetites. On the other hand, if you’re feeding a group of adults at a brunch, you may want to make larger pancakes to ensure everyone is satisfied.

In addition to the pancake mix, you’ll also need to factor in any additional ingredients you’ll be using. If you’re adding chocolate chips, blueberries, or other mix-ins, you’ll need to have enough on hand to accommodate the number of pancakes you’re making. Additionally, you’ll need to consider any additional toppings you’ll be using, such as syrup or whipped cream, to ensure you have enough for everyone.

Once you’ve determined the number of people you’ll be serving and the serving size of the pancakes, it’s time to measure out the right amount of pancake mix. A standard serving size of pancake mix is typically 1/3 cup per four-inch pancake. To calculate the amount of mix needed for a larger crowd, simply multiply the serving size by the number of people you’ll be serving. For example, if you’re serving 30 people and each person will have 3 four-inch pancakes, you’ll need 30 x 3 x 1/3 cup = 3 cups of pancake mix.

It’s important to measure accurately to ensure the pancakes turn out perfect. You can use measuring cups or a kitchen scale to ensure accurate measurements. It is recommended to use a measuring cup for dry ingredients and a measuring spoon for wet ingredients.

In summary, when planning for pancakes for a crowd, you should aim for 3-4 four-inch pancakes per person, take into consideration factors such as appetite, additional food being served, and whether it is a breakfast, lunch, or dinner event. Additionally, you need to factor in any additional ingredients you’ll be using and measure accurately to ensure the pancakes turn out perfect.

How to Measure the Right Amount of Pancake Mix

In addition to measuring out the right amount of pancake mix, there are several tips for making pancakes for a crowd that can help make the process easier and more efficient.

One tip is to prepare the batter in advance. Mixing up the batter the night before or early in the morning can save time and reduce the stress of cooking pancakes for a crowd. Just be sure to keep the batter in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use it.

Another tip is to use a griddle or multiple pans. A griddle or multiple pans can allow you to cook several pancakes at once, which can save time and make the process more efficient. However, it’s important to keep in mind that a griddle or multiple pans can also require more space and more attention while cooking, so it’s important to plan accordingly.

Another tip is to keep pancakes warm in a slow cooker. After you’ve cooked the pancakes, you can keep them warm in a slow cooker on low heat. This can be a great option if you’re cooking pancakes for a crowd and don’t want them to get cold while you’re cooking the next batch.

Finally, it’s important to have all of your ingredients, tools and equipment ready before you start cooking, this will prevent you from running around the kitchen looking for things you need, and you can focus on cooking the pancakes instead.

In conclusion, cooking pancakes for a crowd can be a daunting task, but with the right planning and preparation, it doesn’t have to be. By determining the right amount of pancake mix, considering additional ingredients, measuring accurately and using tips for making pancakes for a crowd, you can ensure a delicious and stress-free experience for all.

How Much Pancake Mix Do You Really Need?

make pancake

When it comes to making pancakes, it’s essential to know how many people you’ll be feeding. Typically, a serving size is 4 four-inch pancakes per person. But how much mix do you need to make that many pancakes?

Don’t worry, we’ve done the calculations for you. We’ve looked at three popular brands of pancake mix (Krusteaz, Hungry Jack, and Bisquick) and provided the measurements for each.

Keep in mind that the measurements in each table are based on making pancakes for one person. So, if you need more or less, you can easily adjust the measurements accordingly.

Krusteaz Measurements

Krusteaz offers different sizes of pancake mix to accommodate various needs. They have a 32-oz box and a 10 lb bag. The 32-oz box will yield 30 four-inch pancakes, while the 10 lb bag will yield 150 four-inch pancakes.

The chart below shows the number of 32-oz boxes required for the number of people you’re cooking for. It also includes an option for the 10 lb bag for larger groups.

Hungry Jack

Hungry Jack also offers various sizes of pancake mix, but for the purpose of this chart, we will focus on their 32 oz box. A single 32 oz box of Hungry Jack pancake mix will yield 51 four-inch pancakes.


Bisquick offers a range of sizes for their pancake mix, from 20 oz to 96 oz and everything in between. In the chart below, we will use the measurements for a 40 oz box, which yields 84 pancakes.

When preparing pancakes for a crowd, it’s important to keep in mind that each brand of pancake mix has its own unique ingredients and measurements.

To ensure a smooth and stress-free cooking experience, it’s best to do the math beforehand. This will save you time and hassle in the long run.

Remember to pay attention to the brand you’re using, as the number of boxes and the amount of water needed may vary depending on the brand you choose.

How to Make the Pancakes Stretch

There are several ways to make pancakes stretch to feed more people:

Add more liquid: Adding more liquid, such as milk or water, to the pancake mix will make the pancakes thinner and stretch further. This will make more pancakes with the same amount of mix but the pancakes will be less fluffy.

Add more eggs: Adding an extra egg to the pancake mix can help make the pancakes fluffier and stretch further. The eggs help to bind the ingredients together and also make the pancakes more fluffy.

Add more flour: Adding more flour to the pancake mix will make the pancakes thicker and stretch further. This will make the pancakes more filling and satisfying, but it will also make them less fluffy.

Mix in other ingredients: Adding ingredients such as oats, nuts, or shredded vegetables to the pancake mix can help make the pancakes stretch further. These ingredients can also add more flavor and nutrition to the pancakes.

Cook smaller pancakes: Cooking smaller pancakes can help stretch the mix further as it will make more pancakes. This is an easy way to stretch the mix, but the smaller pancakes may not be as filling as larger ones.

Use a griddle or multiple pans: Cooking several pancakes at once on a griddle or multiple pans can help stretch the mix further. This is a great option if you have limited space or time to cook pancakes.

Serve with other sides: Serving pancakes with other sides such as fruits, yogurt, or oatmeal can help stretch the pancakes to feed more people. This will also provide more options and variety for your guests, and it can make the pancakes more satisfying and filling.

It’s important to note that using these techniques may affect the taste and texture of the pancakes, so it’s important to experiment and find the right balance that works for you and your guests. It’s also important to consider the nutritional values of the additional ingredients you are adding, to ensure a balanced meal.

Add Ingredients to the Pancakes

There are many ways to add ingredients to pancakes to enhance their flavor and nutritional value. Here are a few options:

Fruits: Fresh or frozen berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries, can be added to the pancake batter before cooking. This will give the pancakes a fruity flavor and a pop of color.

Nuts: Chopped nuts, such as almonds, pecans, or walnuts, can be added to the pancake batter before cooking. This will give the pancakes a crunchy texture and a nutty flavor.

Spices: Ground spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger, can be added to the pancake batter before cooking. This will give the pancakes a warm, aromatic flavor.

Chocolate: Chocolate chips or chunks can be added to the pancake batter before cooking. This will give the pancakes a chocolatey flavor and a fun, kid-friendly option.

Grated vegetables: Grated vegetables, such as carrots or zucchini, can be added to the pancake batter before cooking. This will give the pancakes a boost of nutrition and a unique flavor.

Herbs: Fresh or dried herbs, such as basil, thyme, or rosemary, can be added to the pancake batter before cooking. This will give the pancakes a unique, savory flavor.

Protein: Add protein powder to the pancake batter before cooking. This will give the pancakes a boost of protein and help to keep you full for longer.

It’s important to note that adding ingredients to the pancake batter may affect the texture and cooking time of the pancakes, so it’s important to experiment and adjust accordingly.

Instructions for Homemade Pancake Mix


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1/4 cup melted butter or oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Stir to combine.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, melted butter or oil, and vanilla extract (if using).
  3. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. A few lumps in the batter are okay.
  4. Heat a skillet or griddle over medium-high heat. If using a skillet, add a little oil or butter to the pan.
  5. Use a ladle or measuring cup to pour the batter onto the skillet or griddle. The size of your pancakes will depend on how much batter you use.
  6. Cook the pancakes for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until golden brown. Flip the pancakes carefully using a spatula.
  7. Repeat until all the batter is used up.
  8. Serve the pancakes warm with your favorite toppings such as syrup, butter, whipped cream or fruits.

Note: You can store the dry ingredients in an airtight container for up to 6 months. When you’re ready to make pancakes, just add the wet ingredients and mix well.

Tips for Making Pancakes for a Crowd

While cooking pancakes for a crowd can be a bit of a challenge, it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With some simple tips and techniques, you can make pancakes for a crowd with ease.

One tip is to use a batter dispenser. A batter dispenser can help you control the portion size of pancakes and ensure that they are all the same size. This can be particularly helpful when cooking pancakes for a crowd.

Another tip is to use a large spoon or ladle to pour the batter onto the griddle or pan. This can help you control the size of the pancakes and ensure that they are all the same size. It also helps in preventing the batter from spilling or splashing.

You can also consider using a non-stick cooking spray or butter to grease the griddle or pan. This can help the pancakes cook evenly and prevent them from sticking to the griddle or pan.

Additionally, you can set up a toppings station, where guests can choose from different toppings such as fruits, syrups, and whipped cream. This can not only make the event more fun but also cater to different dietary restrictions and preferences.

Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that cooking pancakes for a crowd is a team effort, and you can always ask for help from family or friends. You can also consider using disposable plates, cups and utensils to save you the hassle of cleaning up.

Overall, cooking pancakes for a crowd can be a fun and enjoyable experience with the right planning and preparation. By using a batter dispenser, large spoon or ladle, non-stick cooking spray or butter, setting up a toppings station, and asking for help, you can ensure a delicious and stress-free experience for all.

What Sides Can Be Served With Pancakes

If you want your guests to enjoy the party without anyone getting hungry, serve your pancakes with side dishes and coolers to complete the meal. To do this, serve sides, pair them with beverages, add toppings, and you can also add ingredients to the pancakes like chocolate, banana, or oatmeal.

To serve side dishes with pancakes, you can have:

  • Maple syrup: Maple syrup is a classic and popular topping for pancakes. It adds a sweet and rich flavor to the pancakes.
  • Fresh fruits: Fresh fruits such as berries, bananas, and peaches are a great way to add a burst of flavor and color to pancakes.
  • Whipped cream: Whipped cream can add a light and creamy texture to pancakes, making them more indulgent.
  • Yogurt: Yogurt can be a healthier alternative to whipped cream and it can also add a tangy flavor to pancakes.
  • Peanut butter: Peanut butter can add a nutty flavor and a creamy texture to pancakes, making them more filling and satisfying.
  • Honey: Honey can add a natural sweetness to pancakes and it can also be a healthier alternative to maple syrup.
  • Bacon: Bacon can be added to pancakes for a savory option. It adds a crispy texture and a smoky flavor to pancakes.
  • Sausage: Sausage is another savory option that can be served with pancakes. It adds a meaty flavor and a crispy texture to pancakes.
  • Oatmeal: Oatmeal can be served with pancakes as a side dish. It adds a nutty flavor and a warm texture to pancakes, making them more filling and satisfying.
  • Scrambled eggs: Scrambled eggs can be served with pancakes as a side dish. It adds a protein boost and a savory flavor to pancakes.

Make Pancakes Ahead of Time for a Crowd

Here are a few ways to make pancakes ahead of time for a crowd:

Cook the pancakes fully and freeze them: Cook the pancakes fully and then freeze them in a single layer. Once frozen, transfer them to a resealable plastic bag or container. When ready to serve, reheat the pancakes in the oven or on a griddle.

Cook the pancakes partially and freeze them: Cook the pancakes partially, meaning cook them only until the edges start to set, then freeze them in a single layer. Once frozen, transfer them to a resealable plastic bag or container. When ready to serve, finish cooking the pancakes on a griddle or in the oven.

Make the pancake mix ahead of time: Mix the dry ingredients of the pancake mix together in advance and store it in an airtight container. When ready to serve, add the wet ingredients and mix well before cooking the pancakes.

Cook the pancakes ahead of time and keep them warm: Cook the pancakes ahead of time and keep them warm on a warming tray or in a low-heat oven.

It’s important to note that when reheating pancakes, be careful not to overheat them as this can make them dry or tough, and make sure they are heated thoroughly to avoid any food safety issues.

How do You Keep Pancakes Warm for a Crowd?

Here are a few ways to keep pancakes warm for a crowd:

  1. Cover the pancakes with foil: After cooking, cover the pancakes with foil to keep them warm. This will help to trap the heat and keep the pancakes warm for a longer period of time.
  2. Use a warming tray: Place the pancakes on a warming tray to keep them warm. This is a great option if you’re cooking pancakes in batches and want to keep them warm while you finish cooking the rest.
  3. Place the pancakes in a low-heat oven: After cooking, place the pancakes in a low-heat oven (around 200-250°F) to keep them warm. This is a great option if you’re cooking pancakes in large batches and want to keep them warm while you finish cooking the rest.
  4. Use a slow cooker: Place the pancakes in a slow cooker on the “warm” setting to keep them warm. This is a great option if you’re cooking pancakes in large batches and want to keep them warm for an extended period of time.
  5. Stack the pancakes on a plate and cover them with a lid: After cooking, stack the pancakes on a plate and cover them with a lid to keep them warm. This is a simple and easy way to keep pancakes warm, but it will not keep the pancakes warm for a long period of time.

It is important to note that whatever method you choose, make sure you keep an eye on the temperature of the pancakes to make sure they don’t overheat, as this can make them dry or tough.

What Should You Avoid When Mixing Pancake Batter?

When mixing pancake batter, it’s important to avoid the following:

  1. Over mixing: Over mixing the batter can cause the gluten in the flour to develop, resulting in tough and chewy pancakes. Mix the batter just enough to combine all the ingredients.
  2. Using too much baking powder: Using too much baking powder can cause the pancakes to rise too much and then collapse, resulting in a dense and rubbery texture.
  3. Using too much sugar: Using too much sugar can cause the pancakes to burn easily, and it can also make the pancakes too sweet.
  4. Using too much oil or butter: Using too much oil or butter can make the pancakes greasy and heavy.
  5. Using cold ingredients: Using cold ingredients can cause the pancakes to be unevenly cooked and can also make the batter too thick.
  6. Not letting the batter rest: Not letting the batter rest can result in pancakes that are unevenly cooked and not as fluffy.

It’s important to note that when making pancakes, following the recipe and measuring ingredients accurately is crucial to achieve the desired result, and also don’t be afraid to experiment, as there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for pancakes and everyone has different taste.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much pancake mix for 20 people?

For 20 people, you would need boxes of pancake mix assuming you plan for 3-4 four-inch pancakes per person.

How many people does a box of pancake mix feed?

The number of people a box of pancake mix feeds can vary depending on the brand and size of the box, usually, a standard 32 oz box of pancake mix will feed around 30 people with 3-4 four-inch pancakes per person.

How much pancake syrup do I need for 100 people?

For 100 people, you would need around 12-15 cups of pancake syrup, assuming you are planning for 1/4 cup of syrup per person.

What is the serving size for pancake mix?

The serving size for pancake mix is typically 1/3 cup per four-inch pancake.

How much pancake mix for 80 people?

For 80 people, you would need around 8 cups of pancake mix, assuming you plan for 3-4 four-inch pancakes per person

How much dry pancake mix per person?

The amount of dry pancake mix per person is typically 1/3 cup per four-inch pancake.

Is it cheaper to make or buy pancake mix?

It can be cheaper to make your own pancake mix rather than buying it pre-made.

Homemade pancake mix is made with basic ingredients that are often readily available and inexpensive. The cost of these ingredients is typically less than the cost of a pre-made mix, and you can make a large batch of pancake mix that can last for several weeks. You will also have the advantage of controlling the ingredients you are using, and you can add or remove ingredients that suit your taste or dietary restrictions.

However, it is important to note that buying a pre-made mix may be more convenient, and it may be cheaper if you buy it in bulk.

What is a normal sized pancake?

A normal sized pancake is typically 4-inches in diameter.

Is pancake mix better with water or milk?

Pancake mix is typically better with milk as it creates a fluffier and more flavorful pancakes, compared to using water which can make the pancakes more dense.

Can you make pancakes ahead of time for a crowd?

Yes, it is possible to make pancakes ahead of time for a crowd by freezing them, partially cooking them, making the pancake mix ahead of time, or keeping them warm.

Should pancake mix sit overnight?

It is not necessary for pancake mix to sit overnight, but doing so can allow the ingredients to fully hydrate and blend, resulting in a more flavorful and fluffy pancake