How Much Baked Beans to Get for Large Groups

If you are planning to host a large gathering and will be responsible for cooking, and you are considering serving baked beans as part of a Southern barbecue, you may wonder how many baked beans you need to get for each person?

How Much Baked Beans to Get for Large Groups
Baked Beans on a Brown Table

As a general rule, you can plan about 1/2 cup to 1 cup of baked beans per person. If you are serving a large group and want to ensure that you have enough baked beans, it may be helpful to prepare more than the recommended amount.

How Much Baked Beans Per Person?

The amount of baked beans needed per person will depend on a variety of factors, including the type of event, whether the baked beans are a main dish or a side dish, the appetite of the guests, and any dietary restrictions or allergies. Here are a few general guidelines for estimating the amount of baked beans needed per person:

  • As a side dish: If you are serving baked beans as a side dish at a casual event, such as a backyard barbecue, you can estimate that each person will eat about 1/2 cup to 1 cup of baked beans. This would be a good starting point if you are serving a variety of other dishes as well.
  • As a main dish: If you are serving baked beans as a main dish, you will likely need more per person. In this case, you can estimate that each person will eat about 1-1.5 cups of baked beans. This will depend on the appetite of your guests and whether you are serving any other dishes.
  • For a more formal event: If you are serving baked beans at a more formal event, such as a wedding reception, you may want to estimate a smaller serving size, such as 1/2 cup per person. This is because guests at formal events may be eating smaller portions overall and may not have as much room for side dishes.

It’s always a good idea to overestimate the amount of baked beans needed, rather than running out. You can always save any leftovers for another meal. If you are unsure of the exact amount needed, you can use a serving size calculator or chart to help guide your estimates.

How do you calculate Baked Beans for a crowd?

To calculate the amount of baked beans needed for a crowd, you will need to consider a few different factors:

  1. Number of guests: The first and most important factor to consider is the number of guests you will be serving. This will give you a rough idea of how much food you will need overall.
  2. Type of event: The type of event you are hosting will also affect the amount of baked beans needed. For example, a more formal event with smaller portions may require fewer baked beans than a casual backyard barbecue with larger portions.
  3. Whether the baked beans are a main dish or a side dish: If the baked beans are serving as a main dish, you will likely need more per person than if they are a side dish.
  4. Appetite of the guests: The appetite of the guests will also affect the amount of baked beans needed. If you are serving a group of particularly hungry guests, you may need to increase the amount of baked beans.
  5. Dietary restrictions or allergies: If you have guests with dietary restrictions or allergies, you will need to take these into account when calculating the amount of baked beans needed.

Once you have considered these factors, you can use a serving size calculator or chart to help estimate the amount of baked beans needed for the group. It’s always a good idea to overestimate the amount needed, rather than running out, and you can always save any leftovers for another meal.

How Much Baked Beans to Get for Large Groups?

Cup of Baked Beans on a Blue Table with a Silver Spon
Cup of Baked Beans on a Blue Table with a Silver Spon

Here is a rough guide for estimating the amount of baked beans needed for different group sizes, based on the assumption that the baked beans are being served as a side dish at a casual event:

  • For 1 person: 1/2 cup to 1 cup of baked beans
  • For 10 people: 5-10 cups of baked beans
  • For 20 people: 10-20 cups of baked beans
  • For 25 people: 25-50 cups of baked beans
  • For 30 people: 15-30 cups of baked beans
  • For 40 people: 20-40 cups of baked beans
  • For 50 people: 25-50 cups of baked beans
  • For 60 people: 30-60 cups of baked beans
  • For 70 people: 35-70 cups of baked beans
  • For 80 people: 40-80 cups of baked beans
  • For 90 people: 45-90 cups of baked beans
  • For 100 people: 50-100 cups of baked beans
  • For 150 people: 75-150 cups of baked beans
  • For 200 people: 100-200 cups of baked beans

Keep in mind that these are rough estimates and the actual amount of baked beans needed may vary based on the factors mentioned earlier (e.g. appetite of the guests, whether the baked beans are a main dish or a side dish, any dietary restrictions). It’s always a good idea to overestimate the amount needed, rather than running out, and you can always save any leftovers for another meal.

Cooking Baked Beans for a Large Group

Cooking baked beans for a large group can be a bit more challenging than cooking for a smaller group. Here are a few tips to help make the process easier:

  1. Choose the right recipe: Look for a recipe that can be easily scaled up to feed a large group. Baked beans are typically made with a combination of dried beans, broth or water, and a variety of seasonings. Look for a recipe that has clear instructions and ingredients that are easy to find and measure.
  2. Use a large pot or slow cooker: A large pot or slow cooker will allow you to cook a larger batch of baked beans at once. A slow cooker can be particularly helpful as it will keep the beans warm and ready to serve, and you can even transport the slow cooker to the event if necessary.
  3. Make a big batch: If you have a large enough pot or slow cooker, consider making a big batch of baked beans all at once. This will save you time and effort, and you can always freeze any leftovers for another meal.
  4. Soak the beans ahead of time: Many recipes recommend soaking the beans in water overnight before cooking them. This helps soften the beans and reduces the cooking time. If you are short on time, you can also use the quick-soak method, which involves boiling the beans in water for a few minutes and then letting them sit for about an hour.
  5. Adjust the cooking time: The cooking time for baked beans will depend on the type of beans used and the size of the pot or slow cooker. Larger pots or slow cookers will require longer cooking times, as the beans will be more spread out and will not be as concentrated. Be sure to check the beans regularly and add more liquid if needed to prevent them from drying out.
  6. Consider using canned beans: While homemade baked beans are always a tasty option, using canned beans can save you time and effort when cooking for a large group. Just be sure to drain and rinse the beans before adding them to your pot.
  7. Serve buffet style: If you are hosting a large event, consider setting up a buffet table where guests can serve themselves. This will allow them to choose the amount of baked beans they want and will also reduce the risk of running out.

Overall, the key to cooking baked beans for a large group is to plan ahead and be prepared. With a little bit of preparation and the right tools, you can easily serve up a delicious batch of baked beans for your guests.

How to Make the Beans Stretch?

There are a few ways you can make baked beans stretch to feed a larger group of people:

  1. Add more beans: If you have a recipe that calls for a specific amount of beans, you can simply increase the amount of beans used to stretch the recipe further. Just be sure to adjust the other ingredients (e.g. liquid, seasoning) accordingly to ensure that the flavor is balanced.
  2. Add other ingredients: You can also add other ingredients to the baked beans to bulk them up and stretch the recipe further. Some ideas include adding diced vegetables (e.g. onions, bell peppers, carrots), grains (e.g. rice, quinoa), or ground meat (e.g. ground beef, turkey).
  3. Serve with other dishes: Baked beans can be paired with a variety of other dishes to make a complete meal. Consider serving the beans with a variety of side dishes, such as salads, grains, or vegetables, to help stretch the recipe further.
  4. Offer toppings: Set up a toppings bar with a variety of options, such as shredded cheese, diced onions, diced tomatoes, or hot sauce, and encourage guests to add their own toppings to the baked beans. This can help stretch the recipe further and add some variety to the dish.
  5. Use a slow cooker: Using a slow cooker to cook the beans can help stretch them further, as the slow cooker will keep the beans warm and easy to serve throughout the event. This will allow guests to help themselves to more beans as needed, without the beans getting cold or drying out.
  6. Save leftovers: If you do end up with leftovers, you can save them for another meal or freeze them for later. Baked beans can be reheated and served on their own or used as an ingredient in other dishes, such as baked beans and franks or baked beans and rice.

What to serve with baked beans?

There are many delicious dishes that can be served with baked beans. Here are a few ideas for what to serve with baked beans:

  1. Grilled or barbecued meats: Baked beans are a classic side dish for grilled or barbecued meats, such as burgers, hot dogs, pork chops, or ribs.
  2. Salad: A simple green salad can be a refreshing accompaniment to baked beans. You can add a variety of vegetables and toppings, such as cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and croutons.
  3. Grilled vegetables: Grilled vegetables, such as zucchini, bell peppers, onions, and asparagus, can be a tasty and healthy side dish for baked beans.
  4. Cornbread: Cornbread is a classic side dish for baked beans. You can serve the cornbread warm, with butter and honey or other toppings.
  5. Coleslaw: A refreshing coleslaw made with cabbage, carrots, and a tangy dressing can be a delicious side dish for baked beans.
  6. Macaroni and cheese: Macaroni and cheese is a creamy and satisfying side dish that pairs well with baked beans.
  7. Bread: Bread, such as rolls, buns, or biscuits, can be served alongside baked beans for dipping or spreading.
  8. Chips and dips: Chips and dips, such as salsa or guacamole, can be a fun and tasty addition to a baked bean meal.
  9. Dessert: A sweet dessert, such as pie, cake, or cookies, can be a perfect way to end a meal featuring baked beans.

What Can I add to homemade baked beans with pork and beans to give more flavor?

There are many ingredients that you can add to homemade baked beans with pork and beans to give them more flavor. Some options to consider include:

  1. Bacon: Adding diced bacon to your baked beans will give them a smoky, salty flavor. You can fry the bacon until it is crispy and then crumble it into the beans, or you can add it to the beans raw and let it cook along with the beans.
  2. Onions: Diced onions will add sweetness and depth of flavor to your baked beans. You can fry the onions in a little bit of oil until they are translucent before adding them to the beans, or you can add them raw to the beans and let them cook along with the beans.
  3. Garlic: Garlic adds a pungent, flavorful note to baked beans. You can add minced garlic to the beans along with the other ingredients, or you can fry the garlic in a little bit of oil until it is fragrant before adding it to the beans.
  4. Spices: Adding spices such as cumin, chili powder, and paprika will give your baked beans a bold, spicy flavor. You can add these spices to the beans along with the other ingredients, or you can fry them in a little bit of oil until they are fragrant before adding them to the beans.
  5. Brown sugar: Adding a little bit of brown sugar to your baked beans will give them a sweet, caramelized flavor. You can add the sugar to the beans along with the other ingredients, or you can dissolve it in a little bit of water or broth before adding it to the beans.
  6. Mustard: Mustard adds a tangy, sharp flavor to baked beans. You can add a spoonful of mustard to the beans along with the other ingredients, or you can mix it with a little bit of water or broth to make a slurry and then add it to the beans.
  7. BBQ sauce: Adding BBQ sauce to your baked beans will give them a sweet, smoky flavor. You can add the BBQ sauce to the beans along with the other ingredients, or you can mix it with a little bit of water or broth to make a slurry and then add it to the beans.

how much Baked Beans do you need in a Roaster for a large group?

It is difficult to give an exact amount of baked beans that you will need in a roaster for a large group, as it will depend on the size of your roaster and the appetites of your guests.

As a general rule of thumb, you should plan for about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of baked beans per person. For example, if you are serving a group of 50 people, you will need 25 to 37.5 cups of baked beans.

To determine how much your roaster can hold, you can measure the capacity of your roaster by filling it with water and then pouring the water into a measuring cup. This will give you an idea of how much volume your roaster can hold.

Here is a general guideline for how much baked beans you will need in a roaster for a large group, based on the number of people you are serving:

  • For 10 people: 5 to 7.5 cups of baked beans
  • For 20 people: 10 to 15 cups of baked beans
  • For 30 people: 15 to 22.5 cups of baked beans
  • For 50 people: 25 to 37.5 cups of baked beans
  • For 70 people: 35 to 52.5 cups of baked beans
  • For 100 people: 50 to 75 cups of baked beans
  • For 150 people: 75 to 112.5 cups of baked beans
  • For 200 people: 100 to 150 cups of baked beans

Keep in mind that these are estimates and may vary based on the size of your roaster and the appetites of your guests. It is always a good idea to have a little bit of extra food on hand in case some of your guests are particularly hungry, or in case you have some unexpected guests show up. This way, you won’t have to worry about running out of food.


In conclusion, serving baked beans at a large event or gathering can be a delicious and budget-friendly choice. Accurately estimating the amount of baked beans needed can be a challenge, but by considering factors such as the number of guests, the type of event, whether the baked beans are a main dish or a side dish, the appetite of the guests, and any dietary restrictions or allergies, you can make an informed estimate.

Using a serving size calculator or chart can also be helpful. There are also several ways to stretch the baked beans further, such as adding other ingredients, serving them with other dishes, offering toppings or accompaniments, using a slow cooker, and saving leftovers.

By following these guidelines and tips, you can ensure that you have enough baked beans to feed all of your guests at your next event.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many servings of baked beans will I need for a large group?

As a general rule of thumb, you should plan for about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of baked beans per person. For example, if you are serving a group of 50 people, you will need 25 to 37.5 cups of baked beans.

Can I make baked beans in advance for a large group?

Yes, you can make baked beans in advance for a large group. In fact, baked beans are often made in advance because they taste even better when the flavors have had time to meld together. Simply prepare the beans according to your recipe and store them in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve them. You can also freeze baked beans for up to 3 months.

Can I double or triple my baked bean recipe for a large group?

Yes, you can easily double or triple your baked bean recipe for a large group. Just be sure to use a large enough pot or slow cooker to hold the increased volume of beans. You may also need to adjust the cooking time slightly, as the larger volume of beans will take longer to cook

Can I serve baked beans at a potluck or barbecue?

Yes, baked beans are a popular choice for potlucks and barbecues because they are easy to transport and can be served at room temperature. Just be sure to keep them in a covered container to prevent spills and keep them at a safe temperature until they are ready to be served.

Can I make vegetarian baked beans for a large group?

Yes, you can easily make vegetarian baked beans for a large group by using vegetable broth or water in place of the meat-based broth or bacon that is often used in traditional baked bean recipes. You can also add vegetables such as diced onions, bell peppers, and carrots to the beans for added flavor and nutrition.

How long do baked beans last in the refrigerator?

Baked beans will last in the refrigerator for up to 5 days if stored in an airtight container. Be sure to cool the beans completely before storing them in the refrigerator to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Can I freeze baked beans?

Yes, you can freeze baked beans for up to 3 months. To freeze baked beans, cool them completely and transfer them to a freezer-safe container or plastic bag. Label the container or bag with the date and freeze until you are ready to use them. Thaw the beans in the refrigerator overnight before reheating them.

How do I reheat baked beans?

1. In the microwave: Place the beans in a microwave-safe container and microwave on high for 1-2 minutes, or until heated through. Stir the beans occasionally to ensure even heating.

2. On the stove: Place the beans in a saucepan and heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until heated through.

3. In the oven: Preheat the oven to 350°F and transfer the beans to an oven-safe dish. Cover the dish with foil and bake for 20-30 minutes, or until heated through.

Can I add extra ingredients to my baked bean recipe?

Yes, you can add extra ingredients to your baked bean recipe to give them more flavor. Some popular additions include diced onions, bell peppers, carrots, bacon, and sausage. You can also try adding herbs and spices such as garlic, cumin, and chili powder to give the beans more depth of flavor.

Can I make baked beans in a slow cooker?

Yes, you can make baked beans in a slow cooker by combining all of the ingredients in the slow cooker and cooking on low for 6-8 hours, or until the beans are tender. Be sure to stir the beans occasionally to prevent them from sticking to the sides of the slow cooker.

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