How Many Pounds of Pulled Pork for 200 Sandwiches?

Pulled pork sandwiches have become a staple at picnics, parties, and backyard barbecues. The tender, flavorful meat is versatile and can be served in a variety of ways, from traditional Southern-style sandwiches with coleslaw to more creative options like pulled pork tacos or pizza.

Pulled Pork for Sandwiches
Pulled pork sandwiches with BBQ sauce and salad on a silver plate

To make 200 sandwiches, you will need approximately 160-200 pounds of uncooked pork or 80-120 pounds of cooked pulled pork, depending on the size of the sandwiches, bread type, and desired meat-to-bread ratio.

However, when hosting a large event or feeding a crowd, one of the biggest challenges can be determining how much pulled pork to make. This article will provide a guide for determining the amount of pulled pork needed to make 200 sandwiches, taking into account factors such as sandwich size, bread type, and desired meat-to-bread ratio. Whether you’re planning a backyard cookout or feeding a crowd at a church potluck, this guide will help you ensure that there’s plenty of delicious pulled pork to go around.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Pulled Pork for Sandwiches

When determining the amount of pulled pork needed for 200 sandwiches, there are several factors to take into account. These include:

  • Sandwich size: Are you making sliders or full-sized sandwiches? The size of the sandwich will affect the amount of pork needed per sandwich.
  • Bread type: Different types of bread will affect the overall volume of the sandwich and the amount of pork needed. For example, a soft white roll will require less pork than a thick, crusty roll.
  • Meat-to-bread ratio: This is a personal preference, but in general, a higher meat-to-bread ratio will require more pork per sandwich.
  • Number of servings per pound of pulled pork: This will depend on the size of the sandwiches and the desired meat-to-bread ratio. A good rule of thumb is to plan for 1/3 to 1/2 pound of pork per sandwich.

It’s important to note that these factors will interact with each other, so it’s best to work out your calculations based on the specific sandwich you are serving.

Additionally, when determining the amount of pulled pork, it’s also important to take into account the type of meat you’re using. If you’re using a cut of meat with bone, you will need to factor in the weight of the bone which will reduce the amount of meat you have.

In the next section, we will provide example calculations using different sandwich sizes, bread types, and meat-to-bread ratios to help you determine the amount of pulled pork needed for 200 sandwiches.

Calculating the Amount of Pulled Pork Needed

Pulled Pork
Pulled Pork on a wodden tray

To help you determine the amount of pulled pork needed for 200 sandwiches, we have provided the following example calculations:

For full-sized sandwiches on soft white rolls, using a meat-to-bread ratio of 1:1, you will need approximately 50 pounds of cooked pork or 100 pounds of uncooked pork.

For sliders on small dinner rolls, using a meat-to-bread ratio of 2:1, you will need approximately 33 pounds of cooked pork or 66 pounds of uncooked pork.

For full-sized sandwiches on thick, crusty rolls, using a meat-to-bread ratio of 1:2, you will need approximately 50 pounds of cooked pork or 100 pounds of uncooked pork.

Keep in mind that these calculations are based on general guidelines and may not match your specific sandwich needs. It’s always a good idea to make a few test sandwiches with your desired bread type, meat-to-bread ratio, and pork quantity to ensure that you have the right amount of pork before making a large batch.

Also, it’s important to remember that these calculations are based on pork that has already been cooked. If you’re planning to smoke or slow-cook the pork, keep in mind that the meat will lose weight during the cooking process, so you may need to adjust the calculations accordingly.

Additionally, it’s important to take into account dietary restrictions or preferences of your guests. For example, if you’re serving vegetarians, you might want to consider a meat-free alternative.

Amounts of Pulled Pork Dependent on Number of Sandwiches

The amount of cooked and uncooked pulled pork needed for a certain number of sandwiches will vary depending on factors such as sandwich size, bread type, and desired meat-to-bread ratio. However, here are some general guidelines based on the number of sandwiches:

Keep in mind that these are general estimates and may vary depending on specific sandwich needs. It’s always a good idea to make a few test sandwiches with your desired bread type, meat-to-bread ratio, and pork quantity to ensure that you have the right amount of pork before making a large batch.

Preparing the Pulled Pork

Grill Pulled Pork
Grilled pork steak on the grill

Once you have determined the amount of pulled pork needed for your sandwiches, it’s important to prepare the meat in a way that will ensure it is flavorful and tender. Here are a few tips to help you achieve the best results:

Slow-cooking or smoking: These methods are ideal for achieving a tender and flavorful pulled pork. They allow the meat to cook slowly over a low heat, which helps to break down the connective tissues and create a melt-in-your-mouth texture.

Shredding and seasoning: After the pork is cooked, it should be shredded with two forks and then seasoned to taste. You can use a dry rub or a wet marinade, depending on your preferences.

Temperature: Ensure that the pork is cooked to an internal temperature of at least 145F to ensure that it is safe to consume.

Resting: Letting the meat rest for 15-20 minutes before shredding can help to lock in the juices and create a more flavorful and tender pulled pork.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your pulled pork is delicious and ready to be piled high on sandwiches for your guests.

Tips for Cooking and Serving Large Quantities of Pulled Pork

When cooking and serving large quantities of pulled pork, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Cook in batches: Depending on the size of your slow cooker or smoker, you may need to cook the pork in batches to ensure that it cooks evenly.

Use a meat thermometer: Make sure that the pork reaches an internal temperature of 145F to ensure that it is safe to eat.

Allow for shrinkage: The meat will lose weight during the cooking process, so make sure to allow for shrinkage when calculating how much pork you will need.

Keep it warm: Once the pork is cooked, you can keep it warm in a slow cooker or warming tray until you are ready to serve it.

Shred and season just before serving: Shred the pork and season it with your desired spices or sauce just before serving to ensure that it is flavorful and tender.

Serve with a variety of sides: Offer a variety of side dishes like coleslaw, mac and cheese, or baked beans to complement the pulled pork sandwiches.

Make a self-service station: Set up a self-service station, with the pulled pork, buns, different types of sauces, and other toppings like pickles, lettuce, or cheese, so guests can make their own sandwiches.

Plan for leftovers: It’s always a good idea to plan for leftovers, especially when cooking for a large group. You can offer it as a second serving or guests can take it home with them.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure that your pulled pork is cooked and served to perfection, and your guests can enjoy delicious sandwiches.

Tips on Making Pulled Pork

When making pulled pork, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. Choose the right cut of meat: Pork shoulder or Boston butt are great options for pulled pork as they have a good amount of fat and connective tissue that will break down during cooking, making the meat tender and flavorful.
  2. Season well: Use a dry rub or marinade to add flavor to the meat before cooking. A dry rub can be made with a blend of spices such as smoked paprika, garlic powder, and brown sugar. A wet marinade can include ingredients like apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, and mustard.
  3. Cook low and slow: Cooking the pork at a low temperature for a long period of time will help to break down the connective tissue and create a tender and flavorful pulled pork. This can be done in a slow cooker, oven, or smoker.
  4. Use a meat thermometer: Make sure that the pork reaches an internal temperature of 145F to ensure that it is safe to eat.
  5. Let it rest: Once the pork is cooked, let it rest for 15-20 minutes before shredding. This will allow the meat to reabsorb the juices, resulting in a more flavorful and tender pulled pork.
  6. Shred by hand: Use two forks to shred the pork, instead of using a food processor or electric mixer. This will help to keep the pork from becoming too mushy.
  7. Add liquid smoke: If you’re cooking your pork in an oven or slow cooker, you can add a few drops of liquid smoke to give it that smoky flavor.
  8. Add BBQ sauce: Serve the pulled pork with your favorite BBQ sauce on the side or mix it into the pork before serving.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your pulled pork is flavorful, tender, and delicious.

Best Cuts of Meat for Pulled Pork

The best cuts of meat for pulled pork are those that have a good amount of fat and connective tissue that will break down during cooking, making the meat tender and flavorful. These cuts are typically from the pork shoulder or Boston butt.

  1. Pork shoulder (also known as pork butt or Boston butt): This cut comes from the upper part of the shoulder and is well marbled with fat. It’s a great choice for pulled pork as it becomes very tender when cooked low and slow.
  2. Pork shoulder blade roast: This cut is similar to the pork shoulder, but it has a bone in it. It’s a bit cheaper than the boneless pork shoulder, but it may take a little longer to cook.
  3. Pork Picnic roast: This cut comes from the lower part of the shoulder and also has a bone. It tends to be a bit leaner than the pork shoulder, but it can still be used for pulled pork if properly seasoned and cooked.
  4. Pork loin: A leaner cut of meat, Pork loin can be used for pulled pork, but it will be less juicy and flavorful compared to the cuts from the shoulder.

In general, the cuts from the pork shoulder are considered the best for pulled pork because of their higher fat content and rich flavor. Keep in mind that these cuts may contain bones, which will reduce the weight and the amount of meat you have.

What Cuts of Pork to Avoid For Pulled Pork

There are certain cuts of pork that are not well suited for pulled pork because they are leaner and lack the fat and connective tissue that are needed to make the meat tender and flavorful when cooked low and slow. These cuts include:

  1. Pork tenderloin: This cut is very lean and does not have enough fat or connective tissue to make it suitable for pulled pork. It can dry out easily and lack the rich flavor that you want in pulled pork.
  2. Pork loin chops: These cuts are also lean and can dry out easily when cooked for a long time. They also lack the fat and connective tissue that are needed to make pulled pork tender and flavorful.
  3. Pork belly: While pork belly is a flavorful cut of meat, it is not typically used for pulled pork because it is mostly fat and does not have the right texture for pulled pork.
  4. Pork leg (ham): Ham is not ideal for pulled pork as the meat is already cured, smoked and cooked.

It’s important to note that cuts of meat that are leaner can still be used for pulled pork, but they will not be as tender or flavorful as cuts from the shoulder. If you decide to use a leaner cut, you may need to add more fat or marinade to the meat to make it more tender and flavorful.

Pricing for Pulled Pork

The pricing for pulled pork can vary depending on several factors, such as the cut of meat used, the location, and the method of preparation. Here are a few general guidelines:

  1. Cut of meat: Pork shoulder or Boston butt are typically the most popular cuts used for pulled pork and are generally the most affordable. Other cuts such as pork loin or tenderloin are leaner and therefore more expensive.
  2. Location: Prices for pork can vary depending on the location. In general, prices for pork may be higher in urban areas compared to rural areas.
  3. Method of preparation: Prepared or pre-cooked pulled pork will be more expensive than raw pork, as it takes time, labor and may have additional ingredients such as sauces or marinades.
  4. Volume: Buying in bulk will generally bring the cost down.
  5. Restaurants and catering: Pulled pork is a popular menu item at many restaurants and catering companies, and prices can vary widely depending on the establishment and location.

As a rough estimate, you can expect to pay around $3-$5 per pound for raw pork shoulder or Boston butt, $5-$7 per pound for pre-cooked pulled pork at a grocery store and $10-$20 per pound at a restaurant or catering service. However, prices can fluctuate depending on location, season, and demand.


In summary, when determining the amount of pulled pork needed for 200 sandwiches, it’s important to consider factors such as sandwich size, bread type, and desired meat-to-bread ratio. Using the calculations provided in this article as a guide, you can estimate the amount of pulled pork needed for your specific sandwiches. Remember that these calculations are based on general guidelines and may not match your specific sandwich needs, so it’s always a good idea to make a few test sandwiches before making a large batch.

Additionally, it’s important to prepare the pulled pork in a way that will ensure it is flavorful and tender. Slow-cooking or smoking, shredding and seasoning the meat, and letting it rest before serving are all key steps in achieving delicious pulled pork.

Overall, by following the guidelines in this article, you can ensure that there’s plenty of delicious pulled pork to go around for your guests, whether you’re hosting a backyard cookout or feeding a crowd at a church potluck. And don’t be afraid to experiment with different sandwich variations and to adjust the calculations as needed.

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